Friday, 24 November 2017

WEEK 15 (13.11.2017 – 17.11.2017)

For this week, we had done our project and just need a little touch up before the exhibition which is on 15th November 2017. Besides, we make a preparation for booth decoration and ourselves before the assessor's judgement. 

We had done our presentation to the both of the assessor, Mr. Zulhilmi Mustafa and Madam Norhayati. We would like to thanks to our supervisor, Dr. Siti Marwangi for her guide in finishing this project and to people who had help us indirectly in finishing this project

WEEK 14 (6.11.2017 – 10.11.2017)

For this week, we had design our poster for the Industry Day.

Besides, we also managed to put all the circuit in the jacket and sew it back

WEEK 13 (30.10.2017 – 3.11.2017)

For this week, we had troubleshoot 2 circuit which is DC vibrate motors circuit and also anti-misplaced circuit.

WEEK 12 (23.10.2017 – 27.10.2017)

For this week, after we had finish with the coding we solder the circuit for the proximity sensor circuit and trouble shooting the circuit. This is the connection of the proximity part.


HC-SR04 Sensor

- The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module has 4 pins, Ground, VCC, Trig and Echo. The Ground and the VCC pins of the module needs to be connected to the Ground and the 5 volts pins on the Arduino Board respectively and the trig and echo pins to any Digital I/O pin on the Arduino Board.
- The HC-SR04 sensor attach to the Breadboard
- The Sensor VCC connect to the Arduino Board +5V
- The Sensor GND connect to the Arduino Board GND
- The Sensor Trig connect to the Arduino Board Digital I/O 9
- The Sensor Echo connect to the Arduino Board Digital I/O 10

Buzzer and LED

- The Buzzer attach to the Breadboard
- The Buzzer long leg (+) connect to the Arduino Board Digital 11
- The Buzzer short leg (-) connect to the Arduino Board GND
- The LED attach to the Breadboard
- The Resistor connect to the LED long leg (+)
- The Resistor other leg (from LED's long leg) connect to the Arduino Board Digital 13
- The LED short leg (-) connect to the Arduino Board GND

WEEK 11 – (16.10.2017 – 20.10.2017)

For this week, we had attend the FYP briefing. The briefing was about how to write the chapter 5 which is the conclusion for the FYP report. Besides, the lecturer had also explain the format for the poster for the purpose of promoting our project during FYP exhibition.

WEEK 10 (9.10.2017 – 13.10.2017)

For this week, we had put the coding in the arduino for the proximity sensor circuit and test the function of the circuit.

This is the coding for the circuit:

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

WEEK 9 (2.10.2017 -- 6.10.2017)

For this week, we had been asked to submit the draft for chapter 1, 2 and 3 of the report to our supervisor. Since we got the problem with our component, we just submit the draft for chapter 1 and chapter 2 only.

We also start to test the alarm circuit on breadboard and then we start to solder it. After that, we also try to troubleshoot the circuit and then solve the problem when the circuit not functioning.

WEEK 15 (13.11.2017 – 17.11.2017)

For this week, we had done our project and just need a little touch up before the exhibition which is on 15 th November 2017. Besides, we ...